Benefits of Chakra balance and Positive Energy.

There are 7 charkars in our astral body to connect our body and soul in harmony.

1.       Root charka(Muladhar): It is totally related to physical body elements like bones, muscles and skin. It controls and regulate stability, calmness, safety, weight, body structure and many physical aspects of body. It is also earth element of our body.

2.       Water Chakra(Swadhistan): It controls the water element of body. This chakra controls fun, freedom, creativity, pleasure. The reproductive health, kidney, bladder and emotions are controlled by this chakra.

3.       Fire Chakra(Manipur): It represents the fire element of body. This chakra controls digestive system, decision making, confidence, energy balance and overall health of body.

4.       Heart Chakra(Anahat): The heart chakra is responsible for trust, love, joy and kindness in human. It is air element of body. This Charka controls the relationship, gratitude, Interest in music, emotional balance of person.

5.       Space Chakra(Vishuddhi): It represent space element of body. It controls your speech, thyroid, expression, throat, communication and wellness of mouth.

6.       Third eye Chakra(Agya/Ajna): If you can see behind situations, makes perfect decision and nobody can ignore your eyes, your third eye chakra is powerful.  It is light element of body. This Chakra is responsible for willpower, confidence, emotional intelligence, penial gland and mental balance.

7.       Crown Chakra(Sahasrara): It is the most important chakra of all in Reiki. It receive universal energy and path of gaining knowledge. It is connected with our thought. Meditation and any spiritual activities affects directly on this chakra.

Reiki will flow through these all chakras and make them regular and powerful. If any Chakra got more activated, there will be a problem regarding it. If anyone slows down there will be still problem. Everything should be in balance and harmony. Positive energy regulate charkas and makes body and mind stable.


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